
MediaPost Publications Out to Launch

Every week new ad campaigns and websites are launched, and it's hard to keep up withCheap Rosetta Stone English
them all. Prepare for Breck's big comeback, beer that gives you abs of steel and cameras so stylish you'll be updating your wardrobe to match. Here are this week's launch highlights: After a hiatus from TV that began in the late 1970s, Breck is on the verge of a $7-10 million comeback. The shampoo brand, which is owned by Dial, is being revived by New York-based licensor Himmel Hair Care Products. The product is being brought back with its original bottle, packaging, color and scent, although the formula has been updated and improved. TV, created in-house, will break in August, targeting women 35-years-plus who remember Breck and might want to try it again. In each of the spots, a woman triumphantly proclaims, "Breck is back...just the way I remember it!" Final tag: "Breck is back, and so is my beautiful hair." There's no doubt America is obsessed with beauty and thinness. Though beer isn't usually linked with good health and physical fitness, a new campaign by the Pittsburgh Brewing Company is going to try. The campaign for Iron City Light is the first for the company via Smith Brothers Advertising, and is the brewer's first marketing effort since 1999. The company hopes to get maximum return from its $175,000 investment in radio, outdoor, POP and "ads on key bathroom walls" throughout the region. The tagline will be, "More Taste. Less Waist." Outdoor features sexy well-toned tummies whose muscles take on the shape of the plastic rings that hold six-packs together. The radio spots, "Get Together" and "The Truth About Salads," also link Iron City Light with physical fitness. Another alcoholic beverage, Crown Royal Canadian Whisky, is set to debut new TV spots in the United States and Canada, from Grey Worldwide. The Canadian spot targets hockey-obsessed patriots, while the U.S. spot takes place in an upscale bar where onlookers watch with respect and admiration as a blind man deeply inhales the aroma of a Crown Royal on the Rocks. One guy says to another, "You know...they say when you're blind, all your other senses are heightened." The 15- and 30-second spots use the tagline, "Yes, it's that smooth," and cost a total of $285,000 to create. Auto news: Ford Motor Co.'s Land Rover North America will launch its redesigned Range Rover sport utility in an extensive all-print campaign breaking in June publications. Omnicom Group's GSD&M, Austin, uses the new tag, "Higher ground" for the ads. Subaru will launch a campaign, via AOR Temerlin McClain, Dallas, and called "When you get it, you get it," attempting to move away from the seven-year effort epitomized by abrasive tough guy Paul Hogan and into one with a much more transcendental and back-to-nature feel. Thirty-second TV spots with the tag, "The beauty of Subaru all-wheel drive," will break Sunday night during the Tony Awards on CBS. The Pilot,The newest SUV byAmerican Honda Motor Co. Inc., will debutits first national advertising on June 3. The ads underscore the increasing importance of Light Trucks to the Hispanic consumer, and were created by Honda's Hispanic Agency of Record, La Agencia de Orci' & Asociados. This is the first time Honda has advertised a mid-size SUV to the Latino consumer. The Spanish-language spots will air nationally on Spanish-language TV and radio networks and run simultaneously to the general market campaign. In the ads, La Agencia de Orcí uses the tagline "As Big As Your Imagination" to position the Pilot as the ultimate family vehicle and as an alternative to the minivan. DCA Advertising breaks a print and television campaign this week for Canon U.S.A.'s consumer digital camera brand, PowerShot. The campaign focuses primarily on Canon's stylish Digital ELPH to reposition Canon in the rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive digital camera market with the tagline, "Digital That Inspires." The TV spot features a stylish young woman dressing for an evening out. She sees the Digital ELPH as such a necessary part of her outfit that she ends up searching for clothes that do justice to the camera. Spending on the new campaign is projected to reach between $10 to $15 million for the calendar year, and spots will air during ABC's broadcast of the World Cup, as well as on cable networks like MSNBC and TBS. Digital ELPH print will run primarily in consumer books such as People, InStyle, Maxim and Wired. Veritas Software Corporation announced the launch of a major global advertising and direct marketing campaign focusing on the business benefits ofLearn French
using platform-agnostic software to protect and manage data, and highlighting the company's position as the leading independent storage software company. The campaign, developed by Hill, Holliday San Francisco, was launched with print advertisements in prominent business and technology publications. Wachovia Corporation, marking another milestone along its merger timeline, has launched a national advertising campaign using the theme "Uncommon Wisdom" to promote the new Wachovia brand. The campaign's initial stage will promote Wachovia Securities, the brand name under which Wachovia Corporation provides corporate and investment banking and retail brokerage services. The campaign's theme is the foundation for all of Wachovia's new corporate advertising, which will be introduced in stages over the next two years and will apply to every business unit in the corporation. Print ads, produced by Winston-Salem, N.C.-based Mullen, the advertising agency of record, appeared in the national edition of the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday. Print ads also will run in Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, and USA TODAY. Television ads for Wachovia Securities will begin airing in July on cable and network shows such as CNN, CNNfn, CNBC, Bloomberg, PGA Golf and NFL Football. The dot.com kingdom may have less clout than in years past, but travel Web sites still are flying high. A case in point is Travelocity.com, which this week broke a $40 million multi-media campaign that not only touts the site's basic mechanisms, but the experiences that Travelocity can help create. The effort, from The Richards Group, Dallas, includes two 30-second TV spots: "Wedding," shows how travelers used the Web Site to reach their destinations; and "Elephant," highlights the events experienced at these destinations, such as renting an elephant. Both include travelers who explain how the site helped them to plan and enjoy their trips. Radio, print and online advertising will follow. As for online advertising: Ad4ever Inc., developer of TopLayer, today launched a new web advertising campaign for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals' Rhinocort Aqua Nasal Spray, a prescription product for nasal allergy relief, on the Weather Channel's Weather.com website. Developed and placed for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals by NetPlus Marketing, Inc., based in the Philadelphia suburb of Conshohocken, PA, the interactive campaign captures attention with a colorful, animated floating ad, featuring the product's unique rhinoceros and butterfly visual theme. The floating ad enables consumers to click through to obtain a free Nasal Allergy Kit with special promotional offers. In Best Buy Co., Inc.'s second online branding campaign, a stick figure challenges Web surfers' movie knowledge by reenacting some memorable movie scenes from Psycho, The Seven Year Itch and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Created by Digitas and Avenue A, the campaign features fun imagery andCheap Rosetta Stone
integrated brick-and-mortar messaging, which aims to create top-of-mind awareness and drive traffic to both BestBuy.com and Best Buy stores. Best Buy's online media agency, Avenue A, is responsible for strategic placement of the ads on a variety of Web sites including NYTimes.com, Disney.com, Weather.com and About.com. The campaign will run through June 26. -- This newsletter is compiled weekly by MediaPost staff writer Lindsey Fadner. Past issues are archived at the MediaPost website. Your comments, questions and submissions are always welcome and appreciated.

